Do you know the expression, “All roads lead to Rome?” The Romans were the first to build a sound road system, so naturally, all the roads led to Rome. It helped boost their trade and made Rome ‘the center of the earth.’

Life’s not like that nowadays, is it?

Today, signs point in every direction, and you have to really think about which way you’re headed—and I don’t just mean road signs.

Things constantly scream for our attention… social media, streaming services, work, entertainment – you name it, it’s calling your name.

It’s so easy to become overwhelmed, distracted, and confused. 


“God is not a God of disorder but of peace…” (1 Cor 14:33) 

hearing god, wendy addison, christian devotionals<br />

When you feel like you’re being pulled in every direction, remember that you’re not alone. Take a moment to turn to Him. Let His wisdom and guidance be your compass in this chaotic world.

And then follow Him.

Sometimes, this means stopping what you’re doing several times throughout the day and taking time to focus on Him. I’m continually working on this, and God knows I often forget to check His ‘map.’ But what I do know is that when I take those moments to ask Him where I should go or what I should do, He answers. And when I follow Him, the road is laid out for me.

And He will do the same for you. It doesn’t mean there won’t be bumps and potholes but know He is there with you for the ride.