Sometimes, I go through cycles where I get really tired. And by tired, I mean completely exhausted.

A combination of things in my life sometimes emotionally drains me to the point where I hit a wall, and instead of making healthy choices, I enter into a vicious cycle: I feel tired, eat sugar, and wake up at night from too much sugar (and the stress). And the next day, I feel tired, eat sugar, and repeat.

I find myself once again turning to something else to feed me other than looking to God for rest and peace.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT).

Note that Peter doesn’t tell us to, “Eat sugar (or use caffeine) to get through your day”.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

god moment, surrender to jesus, devotional, daily devotions

Most of us are familiar with the string of verses in Ecclesiastes about a “time to dance, and a time to mourn…” and the others that follow.

But nowhere in there does it say, “a time to worry,  a time to stress eat, a time to drink wine to forget, or a time to try and fix it all yourself.”

Are there things in life weighing you down? Will you join me today in giving our worries to God?

He’s always there, waiting for you.

He wants to ease your burden.