I removed all my social media apps from my phone a while back. While I admit part of this had to do with privacy and tracing, part of it involved using my time more productively.

And it worked! Sort of…

I spend much less time on my phone, but let’s be honest—I didn’t really spend a ton of time on it before. Not like my teens—they’re champs at using their phones.

However, I still gravitate towards my phone at various times throughout the day.

Currently, I only use it for messaging and a colouring app (and sometimes I play solitaire if I can’t sleep).

The other day, my daughter and I were watching a show together, and she asked me if I had seen what happened.

And I hadn’t.

Why? Because I was colouring on my phone and didn’t look up in time!

Distracted from God. Too much phone. Ignoring God.

I like the colouring app because it’s calming, but I don’t feel like I have time to use it throughout the day, so I ‘multi-task’ by doing it while I watch TV. It feels more productive that way.

But is it?

While it seems like the latest technology is creating a generation of successful multitaskers, the truth is that it’s creating a generation that doesn’t know how to focus or concentrate on the task at hand.

And what if that includes our time with God?

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16 NIV

Do you allow yourself to be distracted during Bible reading or prayer time? Does your phone ding and pull your mind away from what God is saying to you?