When my office was still in my bedroom, I had three bird feeders hanging outside the window—a hummingbird feeder, a suet cage, and a shallow plate often filled with rainwater.

One morning, I sat at my desk and looked out the window before starting work. For about ten minutes, my kitties Cookie and Holly joined me as we thoroughly enjoyed a visit from a family of red-breasted nuthatches.

There was on adult, and two babies. Funny enough, the babies were larger than the adult! So, I could only presume the adult was the male since female birds are generally larger (male and female nuthatches have the same plumage).

I watched as the tiniest baby followed Dad to the suet feeder. Baby latched her feet onto the wire cage and flitted her wings while Dad picked off pieces and put them in Baby’s mouth. Then, Baby would imitate Dad and try to get a piece or two by herself.

imitators of god, birds, red-breasted nuthatch, god and birds, god and nature

Next, Dad flew to the plate and took a sip of water. The baby followed and did the same thing. Then it was bath time! Dad splashed in the water, and Baby imitated his every move. After that, Dad flew to the tree, and Baby followed him to the nearest branch beside him.

Can I just say it was the cutest thing ever?


Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. Ephesians 5:1 (ESV)


There is no better way to learn than to watch and imitate the teacher. 

To be Christ-like, we must spend time immersed in the Bible to see what kind of life He lives—and what a wonderful life it is. Why wouldn’t we want to be like Him? 

What can you do today that’s Christ-like?