One spring, after spending time at the river, my daughter came home eager to share a story with her bird-loving mom. 

Sitting near an osprey nest, she watched a mama osprey coax her baby to fly. 

The fearful baby osprey flapped his wings and called to its mom, teetering on the edge of the nest but not daring to leap from it.

So, what did the mama do? She caught a fish and darted back and forth in front of the baby, keeping the fish just out of reach.

Eventually, the baby was encouraged enough to leap from the safety of its nest and find new freedom in the sky (and dinner).

Oh, how I wish I’d been there to see it!

Because, again, as so many things in nature do, it reminds me of God’s love.

God Waits for us, god moment, god is patient, god in nature

 He doesn’t force us to go in the direction He wants. He waits for us. Encourages us.

Shows us the good He has for us if we follow Him. 

Staying in the nest isn’t good. It’s comfortable, sure – but it’s only for a time. We all need to grow and move on to the next thing.

 So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding.  Hebrews 6:1 – NLT

 Are you hanging out in a nest that is no longer fit for your size? How can you grow deeper in your relationship with God this week?